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RE: [DL] Classic DL Character Generator (DLCGP)

Outstanding!! Not only would I love to see and use a revision, I'd love to
have the original, too.  ;)  I'm running my search now, so I'm sure I have
it by the time you read this.

In fact.....  <bounds off onto the net to find the download>

Aha! I don't know if my players would be able to use this as they tend to
make decisions about their character in a non-linear fashion. I think it
would work for my situation (and the quirks of my players) if it went from
the card draw to an interactive character sheet. They could drag the Trait
stats on and off the page from a little holding area on the side. Edges and
Hindrances could work the same way. There would be a counter showing their
Aptitude points at the top, and they could add or subtract points from an
aptitude on the sheet by clicking little increment and decrement buttons.

Then, it would be awesome if characters could be saved, databased into
parties, and later improved by the generator as well. Then, there could be a
Marshal's section for use during game play, with quick-reference stats for
secret rolls, and maybe even a way to make those rolls with a simple

Also, combat and keeping track of wounds, wind, and various modifiers can
get cumbersome with a system as rich and detailed as DeadLands. Maybe we
could create a combat assistant that would handle all the troublesome
numbers for me.

And then we could have it track the pizza preference of each player, place
the order online for us, and refill all our Mountain Dew whenever we get
low, too!!!!

Seriously though, I'd love to help on the project, and while I do know VB, I
don't own any of the software in question. I could probably do all of this
in Access with extensive VBA scripting, but there's no way I'm going to live
at the office to accomplish it. I'm very accustomed to having grand,
ambitious ideas that never come to fruition. I just figured I'd toss them
out there in case you liked any of them, too.

May all the harrowed in your town keep Dominion,

- Matt Lavery
Webmaster, host, and namesake of MattLavery.com
"You are responsible for everything you think, say, do, feel, and believe.
That is all you are responsible for, and you are the only one responsible
for it."

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net] On
Behalf Of Thomas Clegg
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:45 PM
To: dlcgp@yahoogroups.com
Cc: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] Classic DL Character Generator (DLCGP)

Hi folks!

It's been a while, and college has had me a bit tied up. However, it's
almost summer now which means some free time. I'm Thinking about upgrading
the DLCGP to VB.net still, and wondered if it would still get any use. :) 

Before I did that though, I'd like to find out what people felt was still
missing from the program. I haven't played in a while, so am a bit rusty on
the specifics. I think I had had 95% of the problems worked out, and it was
just a couple of things that needed to be added to get it close to

DLCGP Code Dude. :) 

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