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Re: [HoE] Book sizes. [SHANE]

In a message dated 9/10/98 10:54:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
dcarmichael@apple.com writes:

<< Out of curiosity, why the 128 page limit?  I'm assuming it has something to
 do with production costs, but was hoping for some more detail.
 Derek >>

Sure. We set the price based on the number of pages (simple cost to output).
This time we threw in the extra 16 pages and are swallowing most of the cost.

Oh, and in general, everything printed has to be in increments of 16 (it's
called a signature). You'll occasionally find books (usually novels where they
don't write to fit) with less than a full signature at the end, but the
manufacturer still pays for those "missing" pages.
