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Re: [HoE] The Amish...?

>Just one thing - be careful of over-stereotyping the Amish.

  Oh, believe you me, I don't think that'll be a problem.

>Not too long ago, a couple of Amish teens were arrested for selling
>narcotics in the Amish community. 

   Actually, IIRC, they were selling them to non-Amish, but I'm not 

 Coming back from Gen-Con, I shared a bus
>with a couple of Amish.  (At least I assumed so - there dress was 

  "standard Amish"?  Practice what you preach.  ;)
   Lots of Amish take the bus.  There are some divisions that actually  
drive cars and use low-tech househould devices.  It's not about being 
anti-technology so much about "getting lazy".   The cars, or so I'm 
told, are usually very old model.  No radio, no A/C, etc...
   When I was traveling through St. Louis I had a breif chat with an 
Amish family.  They were very nice(not the stern-faced stereotype you 
usually see).  Basically, the conversation was "Hello" "How are you?" 
"Cute kid" "Thank you".  Then I got on my damn bus because I was 
read-ta-go.   :) (For the record:  Theirs was the kid <g>)

>If you think about it - in the alternate future of HoE - the Amish 
>probably be far more prevalent.  (at least before the g-bomb)

  Ethnically speaking, perhaps.  But as they said in HoE, many of the 
religious lost their faith courtesy of the Reckoners.  Personally, I 
would think it would make one's faith stronger since-however Hellish- it 
was physical proof that parts of the Bible were right.  However(playing 
Devil's Advocate with myself), this could be argued against with what I 
said about them being pissed at the Almighty for letting the Apocolypse 

>After all - there is direct proof of the actual evil of technology.

   Like I said, the Amish(from what I understand) don't think tech is 
evil because it's tech.  It's evil because it makes Man lazy.  The 
eaiser things are to do, the quicker they get done.  The quicker they 
get done, the sooner you have nothing to do- and "Idle hands are the 
devil's workshop".

>never mind, there is currently in the real world direct evidence of the
>evils of technology, so I'm probably just babbling.

   Technology, IMO, isn't evil.  What's done with it by man... blah- 
we've all seen Star Trek enough to hear that schpeil.  ;)
-Damon Harper
 "I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still 
  believe that people are really good at heart."
		                        -Anne Frank
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