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RE: [HoE] Milrats/MREs(was: Longevity)

I said:
>>     Modern day "Milrats"(MRE: Meals Ready to Eat) have a shelve life, 
>> from what I understand, of upwards of 20 years as long as you don't 
>> any name-brand candy bars or M&Ms(I have the dubious honor of knowing 
>> that old M&Ms from an MRE taste like medicine- you don't want 
>> to know).  
Jim said:
>They also use what are know as T-rations (MREs are C-rations, meaning 
>can be eaten with absolutely no preparation, whereas T, B or A rations
>require some sort of kitchen and prep time/effort). 

   Sorry, Jim.  But you can eat MREs right out of the package.  
C-rations have been outdated since the late 70s.

 Only having eaten them
>once (including the infamous "cube of egg") I don't really know how 
>packaged/stored (perhaps someone with more recent military experience 
>enlighten us).

   MREs are stored in plastic-like pouches (I say plastic-like because 
they are combustable).  I have "more recent military experience", btw.

>The fruit was the better of those.  The dried pork/beef patty that had 
>same warning was truly evil.

   You are probably thinking of feild rations designed to be prepared by 
a cook to a large company.  Most of this kind of food is either 
dehydrated or freeze-dried (like the fruit in MREs).
    MREs are pre-packaged, pre-sorted meals designed for one person.  
They have high calorie content, and were designed so that only one need 
to be eaten per day in order to survive.  In Army Ranger school, it is 
required you can only eat one MRE a day.  And, FYI, the instructors at 
Army Ranger school are called 'Black Hats'.  :)

-Damon Harper
 "But if it be a sin to covet honour, 
  I am the most offending soul alive."
		-Shakespeare, King Henry V 
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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