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Re: [HoE] Wasted West/Distribution [semi-OT]

> I was wondering that myself. I tried to order The Wasted West book last
> week but the order got screwed up and they ordered a copy of the base
> manuel.
>  Is it just me or calling the book "Deadlands: Hell on Earth: The Wasted
> West" a bad idea? I mean how are distributers and gaming stores supposed
> to tell the base book apart from the  source book without the product
> number?

Actually, having worked in a game store for the last 2 years I can tell
you this, distributors don't normally pay any attention to the title
except for inclusion in catalouges and new release lists. As far as
ordering goes it's ALL based on stock numbers, title is inconsequential,
evidenced by how they continual have incomplete / inacurate / misspelled
product titles in their computer systems. As far as your store goes they
may only need title to look up / call for the stock number. If you asked
me for Wasted West, for Hell on Earth, it would be fine, but you could
quite easily ask for Wasted West from Pinnacle, and it would almost be
easier to find. A rare few distributors would even call it Deadlands:
Hell On Earth: The Wasted West, opting to call it The wasted West. I
find it more likely that your store misordered the rule book, and not
tWW merely out of unfimiliarity of the game line, or perhaps a
comunication error with you or the other employees. I make no secret of
the fact that as a retailer I can honestly say there are usually 2
reasons they have trouble special ordering for you, 1) Product is
unavailable from their distributor. Many people are under the false
assumption that gaming books are in limitles supply, and always
available. In fact many companies can only afford to print more books
when they meet a minimum order requirement from a printer, and
unfortunately, the demand is not always there (as we experience with the
Wierd Wailins' CD). And 2) Not to sound rude, but many stores are
staffed by employees who are not as firmiliar with the ordering policies
of their distributor, product availability, and in some instances
unwilling to do specials for some God unknown reason (Who wants
customers, anyway?). 

I suppose the root of the problem could lie in your stores distributor,
some of them are downright AWFUL, no, I won't name names, but let's just
say if they were all the industry had, we'd NEVER see our new PEG books
even close to the due date.

Sorry, I don't mean to rant on this, but the distribution threads that
occasionaly pop up kinda get to me after a while. I promise I won't do
this again.

Chris "At least I stopped posting OT about movies I hate" Aniballi