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Re: [HoE] Mini-Chainsaws

>>Hmm... maybe give the mini-chainsaws +1 damage, just to give a minor
>>edge>somehow. Or maybe they give you +1 to overawe rolls. : }
>This makes me wonder what the size of this weapon is.  Is it the size of
>a sword, or maybe a dagger?  If it was the size of a dagger then it
>certainly has correct stats but if it is the size of a sword it is
>woefully inadequate.
>If I was faced with a sword sized weapon with a spinning toothed edge I
>would certainly be overawed.

Probably the size of a large dagger. If they were the size of an 'average'
sword blade, they'd probably be too unweildy for one-handed use, what with
the weight of the motor and power supply.


-Keeper of the Tradeposts of the Mantis,
-L5R Code (CCG1.1b) YA ++  S  G+  R+!r  Y+  C+  E++  M  T--  D++  K++  U+++
-L5R Code (RPG1.1) GP PR +++ CC +  RP+ GT: !  P+  MN + S++ G+++  R+  Y+ C++
T-- K++ U+++