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Re: [HoE] RE: weapons rant

On Sun, 11 Oct 1998 01:12:21 -0400 Sansil@earthlink.net writes:
><snipped a whole lotta "my sword is bigger than your sword" rants>
>Uhmmm... see my previous little ditty about my views on melee weapons 
>in>age of high ordnance... but, y'all gotta admit... there's a good deal

>of>you out there that seem to go around with fetishistic h-ons for 
Actually, I have a fetishistic h-on for Claymores (both the basket-hilted
and the two-handed variety) and Warhammers.  But that's just me.  The
coolest oriental weapons came from China and not Japan anyway.

>Me? I like to have court jesters that talk like Ross Perot in every 
>RPG>I play, but I don't happen to think that they're the best thing
>sliced bread...ooops, I forgot. >There was no sliced bread before
katanas were invented. 
Well there was, it just wasn't sliced as well.   :p

Templar Simon

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