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[HoE] Denver - AI ? Hellstromme missing ?

Hi everyone, 

I have just joined this list therefore please don't kick me just for asking
stupid questions ;-)

Two things are at the moment on the mind :

a) could anybody who has read Wasted West give me a short sum-up of the events
in Denver ? 
In Apocalypse Now they have mentioned the "Denver - AI". In HoE the prospector
is talking about Throckmorton having access to some HI - factories in Denver.
But those are just clues. What is the real scoop ?
I am living in Germany and it has been kind of hard getting the latest books
here  (the distributor even don't know about Wasted West). So I would be very
pleased if anyone could help me out on this.

b) what is everybody's guess what is going on with our dear Dr. Hellstromme ?
He is missing and something is going on in Denver... but what are your

I personally think he might have wandered off to Banshee before the gate
crashed. But that's just me

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Marshal Oleary