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Re: [HoE] Relics...

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998 09:37:51 -0500 (CDT) Mike Bentley <hansolo@io.com>
>	Has anyone out there come up with any Relics for use in HoE?
>Granted ya could use some of the ones from Deadlands, but I was just
>curious if anyone has come up with any or even some thoughts on what 
>some>good ones might be.
These are a coupla relics that I came up with that I felt kept the flavor
of the game:

"Sword of Wounding" - This sword looks like any other battered and
well-used broadsword save that its edge never dulls.  It confers a +1 to
all attack rolls and damage rolls.  If the sword is used against any
creature that has a particular vulnerability (vs. silver for example)
then the sword acts as that vulnerability for all purposes.  Its touch
may harm vampires like wood, or weres like silver, or even Doombringers
as if it were crafted of Doomsayer magic.  Also, any creature harmed by
this sword cannot regenerate damage and can only heal by conventional

"Hellfire Scattergun" - This gun accepts any shotgun ammo of the
appropriate guage.  No matter what type of ammo is put into the gun it
will always fire a gout of soul-searing hellfire that does 6d6 points of
damage.  However, this gun is not a tool of evil.  The hellfire only
serves to bring justice (or release) to those possessed by evil spirits
or truly evil souls.  It will only damage harrowed characters, undead,
werecreatures, or any supernatural creature that the Marshal decides is
evil enough.  The Marshal may decide that it will affect a normal person
that is so despicably evil that the fate of his or her soul is already
decided or it may NOT affect one of the above creatures that is truly
innocent and clean spirited (such as a harrowed that is predominately
under the control of its original spirit and is working for the cause of
good).  What is truly good and evil is entirely up to the Marshal in the

If I get any more made up I'll post them on the list (unless someone
complains).  I am currently working on a website that'll have all of my
HoE stuff on it (in addition to the other games that I play).

Templar Simon
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