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Re: [HoE] armour

>Swords, clubs, et cetera, yes. But I believe Charles Ryan already mentioned
>that if a bare-fist hits armour, it does no damage. Only if there is
>something giving a damage boost can the attack get past the armour.

This sounds like a call for the.... accumulated rulings....

Combat:  Armor and Strength
Q)	How about it Charles?  Do we check if an attacker has damage dice for
this purpose before or after armor reductions? - ?
A)	It so happens that I had a close-up encounter with this issue in our
game just last night. Reno (my character--a Templar) whacked up on this
bizarre junker-made critter with his sword: STR+2d8. Turns out the thing
was AV4, which reduced the 2d8 to nothin'. Hence no damage, even from his
Strength.  A little while later, in another fight, Reno's dog Snakebite
chomped down on another critter, doing STR+1d6. Turns out that this one had
AV2, which was enough to reduce his 1d6 to nothing. So he did no damage
either.  So, in answer to the question, if armor reduces damage to Strength
only, there is no penetration; the attack does no damage at all. [Charles
Ryan, HoE listserv, 3/1/99]
Q)	If Snakebite had a Str of xd8 (or greater) Strength and NO additional
damage from his bite, when chomping down on AV 2 he would still get damage
from his strength. Throw in some sharp pointy teeth and all of a sudden the
armor stops it all.
A)	No. Any creature doing STR only =cannot= penetrate armor of AV1 or
better  (p. 97 of the rulebook). [Charles Ryan, HoE listserv, 3/1/99]
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The Environmental Chicken:
I am crossing the road to block traffic as a protest against ..." (thump).