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[HoE] Re:[HoE]Templar mutie

Sean wrote:

>          Not only does the power of removal of mutations present a hideous,
> unbalancing, and, not to mention, ultimately unenjoyable effect against
> many of HOE's nastier, but "human" villains, it also removes the effect
> of some of their critters.  Trogs, for example, are: "...lost souls who
> have become mutated beyond belief but are too stupid and stubborn to
> die." (pg 221, HOE Rulebook)  Therefore, a Templar, capable of removing
> mutations can wipe out Trogs with a single touch.  Similarily, a Templar
> could also eliminate Grundies (see CotA), again, with a single touch.
> Yikes!  Yikes!  Yikes!

    Personally (and I may be going against some unstated Official dogma here--but
since it's unstated, what the Hell?) I don't think it's unbalancing. Curing a
mutation takes at least a TN 13 and 30 minutes--not something a Templar can pull on
a Trog or Grundy in combat. Out of combat, if he can keep them immobile that long,
he could just as easily have whacked him, so no major swing there either.
    However, I do say you get _1_ shot--if it doesn't work, the mutation's
permanent. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
    I take this approach simply because it gives a player who's favorite character
has just become a radiation vampire (or worse) and been drastically warped in
concept to the point she no longer enjoy it a _chance_ to recover.  (This from "PC
Death Train" Goff--I must be going soft...)
    Because, like I constantly preach, in this case it is _my_ game and I'm free to
do whatever I want. ;-) In yours, however, you're just as unrestricted.
