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Re: [HoE] Re:Templar relics

--- Thomas Gill <gill2158@efortress.com> wrote:
> If this starts sounding like a cop-out please bear
> with me.  I was under the influence of several cups
> of coffee and a bit of nervousness I left out a few
> bit of info.
> The tablets were written by a member of The Roman
> Legion (the group from Rascals Varmits and
> Critters).

Okay, I don't know how off the original tablet thing
I'm getting but this sounds like an adventure all by
itself to me. This tablet, when decrypted in whatever
manner it would take, tells about an ancient Servitor
(from the times before the Reckoners were banished)
and where this thing sleeps and either who it was or
how that person lived. So basically I guess it makes a
good old monster just woke up and needs to be put down
kind of thing. Yup, I like it, but then again I love
the past kicking people in the rear, literally.

Zombi Bobb
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