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[HoE] Fwd: [DL] Bounty hunter program, a few questions explained.

In a message dated 4/20/99 4:37:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, doctor23@aye.net 

<< 	Thanks, Alan, for posting this to the list. I for one feel a lot 
 about AEG's involvement with the Bounty Hunter program. Their initial
 contact e-mail was a bit brief and authoritarian in tone for my taste
 (SS#? No Way!), and I reacted badly. After growing accustomed to the
 "just a friendly bunch of gamers" sort of relationship that has
 prevailed with PEG, I guess words like "required" and "dropped from the
 program" just pushed my hot buttons.
 	Now that we have a little more information, I might just re-up...
 							-Dr.23 >>

Hi guys,

Just wanted to let everyone know that while I understand a few of the 
concerns you had with us turning the program over to AEG, please understand 
that they are doing so at *our* behest, and we think they have the *best* 
demo program in the industry.

Those of you who want to help spread the word but don't want to be part of a 
more organized program, I wish you the best and want you to know we seriously 
appreciate the efforts. I hope your reward is hours of great fun teaching a 
great game (we hope!) to great people.

For those who are looking for a little more structure, and most importantly, 
tons of special promotions, cool Deadlands gear, newsletters and the like, 
there's *no one* better than AEG. And Frank Chaffee is a *great* guy. I liked 
him the first time I met him. He's very sincere, loves both company's games 
(really!), and is a gamer just like the rest of us. If his first email 
sounded heavy-handed to you (and I don't think it did), I assure you that it 
wasn't meant that way. Frank was just trying to convey the requirements of 
the new program so that he could do a good job at keeping up with everyone 
once they signed up. Remember, he's in charge of the demo teams for the top 
games in the world (L5R, Deadlands, and soon 7th Sea and Brave New World). 
That's a lot of responsibility. Frank's a young guy, and he may not have the 
"finesse" thing down yet, but he's got lots of heart and enthusiasm and he's 
going to do a great job--I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt about that.

Again, I'm sorry if our sudden change caused any unnecessary concerns. You 
can blame me for not giving everyone a little advance notice. The people at 
AEG are some of the finest people in the gaming industry--we wouldn't have 
joined forces with them if they weren't. I'd appreciate it if those of you 
who still have some concerns would let them know in a way that doesn't make 
them regret accepting our request. We are very fortunate to have one of the 
best groups of people on any listserv in the world. Let's make the AEG crew 
feel as welcome as everyone on here feels.

After all, they are the second best game designers in the industry! (Big grin 
friends! ;) )


---- Begin included message ----
	Thanks, Alan, for posting this to the list. I for one feel a lot better
about AEG's involvement with the Bounty Hunter program. Their initial
contact e-mail was a bit brief and authoritarian in tone for my taste
(SS#? No Way!), and I reacted badly. After growing accustomed to the
"just a friendly bunch of gamers" sort of relationship that has
prevailed with PEG, I guess words like "required" and "dropped from the
program" just pushed my hot buttons.
	Now that we have a little more information, I might just re-up...

Allan Seyberth wrote:
> Hi there,
>         I've just got this in the email, and thought some of ya'll would be
> interested.  (For what it's worth) I've met with, and seen Marcelo in
> action briefly a couple of times now, and he seems to be a pretty straight
> up kinda guy.

To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
	unsubscribe deadlands
as the BODY of the message.  The SUBJECT is ignored.

---- End included message ----