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[HoE] Junkman Questions

Christopher "Ain't no Streep" Merrill asks:
  Question #2--While building a Battle Suit I found a few snags. I want to use 
  the power 'Super Strength' to give anyone using the suit +2 steps of 
  strength, but the way it works assumes that the added strength is fixed and 
  of the device. The slots are the same for raising the strength by two steps 
  but the drain is based off the 'final' die type. So my question is should I 
  go with my gut and say that average person has a d6 strength and use it as a 
  base, or just use the device's 'strength' given by it's size as the base 
  (Frame-6; strength= 3d6 so +2 steps is 3d10, Drain 3), or just say the +2 
  starts at d4 (raising the strength to d8) and give the device a drain of 2. 

  Question #3--Replace the word Strength with Quickness in the last question 
  (as well as the power from Super Strength to Reflexes) and that's another 
  problem I had. 
Both these powers are meant to enhance the traits of the device itself, which
are based on its Frame size.  Apparently, there are no powers that deal with
enhancing the user's Traits.  However, if you want to do that, I suggest making
a device and specifically stating that, assuming no other powers, it uses the
user's Strength AND Quickness (not one or the other, to keep the munchkinism at
bay)..  Basically, you could say it is a framework that fits around a body. 
Then, figure the modifier to it's user's traits using Super Strength/Reflexes,
and have the Drain be variable depending on who's using it.
"For believers, no explanation is necessary.  For unbelievers, none shall

Richard A. Ranallo,
Elk, Mason, Communist, President of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance for some
reason, and Stonecutter.