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Re: [HoE] Blackballing (HEY! get yer mind outta the gutter!)

>A lot of people are talking about blackballing Templars as if it's either a
>death sentence or it means you can't play the character anymore.  
>is neither of those.

I didn't mean to imply it was.  The discussion was, as far as I know of, 
only concerning Templars who had been blackballed because of the violation 
of their oath.  Those who are blackballed due to other reasons are of 
course, not germane to this discussion.

>Templars are required to bring a Blackballed Templar to Boise alive, if
>possible.  Any Templar who doesn't report back once a year gets 
>Now, there may be a very good reason for it.  He may be working on a 
>plan.  Simon just wants to know he's not dead.

Perhaps I'm speaking too literally - such blackballing as we were talking 
about (the violation of one's oath) may not result in a literal "death 
sentence" but it almost certainly means the removal of the "offending" PC 
from the player group.  Even if the rest of the party goes back to Idaho 
with the offending Templar (maintaining party cohesiveness, no matter how 
dubiously - who pays for their travel expenses?), as I noted in a previous 
response this morning, why would the Order want the offending Templar to go 
back with the folks that may have led him to break his oath?

However...presumably, though, it _is_ a death sentence if the character is 
unrepentant in the violation of his oath (and you can bet Simon & Co. have 
ways of sniffing out those who lie or showed poor judgement).  It seems 
unlikely Simon just cuts them loose so they can wander off and join the ATs.

Anyhoo, I'm not clear how a blackballing due to oath violation (which again, 
is the only kind of blackballing we were discussing) can result in the 
character remaining active as a Templar, and as a PC in the group, based on 
how Pinnacle has set up the Order.  If you could clarify...?

From Whom It May Concern,
>Richard Ranallo, The Man They Couldn't Hang


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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