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Re: [HoE] Junkers Question

According to Michael:
| > 	What do you want to know?
| Just a rundown on how junkers work: How to become one
| [I understand the "buy the stats" aspect]
| post-Character creation, how to make a junker item,
| buy powers, what powers do, etc.

	In order to become a junker post-character creation you would
almost definitely need to meet and be trained by a junker or somehow gain
some serious favor from a computer spirit.  A tech relic might do the
	Does anyone have a site with some example items?  The best way to
learn is by example.

| > 	What have you and haven't you read?
| Junker section of main book.

	You both have /and/ haven't read the Junker section.  See, that's
your problem right there.
Jay E. Treat III		         	    jayson@ccat.sas.upenn.edu