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Re: [HoE] Before I get too behind...(and Junkman comments)

Mike wrote:

> I thaught I'd post the adventure I ran last Sunday
> before tomorrow's game.

Sounds like you're doing O.K. so far - keep it up.  I'm glad Pat's MArt
rules will work for you.  In regard to your questions about Junkers -
I'm afraid your best bet would be to break down and get the book on that
one.  The Junker rules changed SIGNIFICANTLY when "Junkman Cometh" came
out.  I agree with you that the rules in the main book are "a bit"
vague, but most of it is clarified in the archetype sourcebook.  The
questions you're asking are unfortunately just too broad and cover WAY
too much information for me to try and explain here - sorry : (.
But that's just my take on it - if someone else on the list can think of
a way to distill it all down for you, more power to them (c'mon gang
think of it as a challenge or something - can anyone help him out?)!

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/