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Re: [HoE] [Hopler] Doomsayers and Armor

Kirt Dankmyer wrote:

> Okay, I was talking to my roommate today, and he was under the impression that
> because the damage from powers like Atomic Blast and MIRV was supernatural
> radiation, that it skips all armor except Rad Tolerant. Now, in my opinion,
> powers like Atomic Bast and MIRV just fire a bolt of energy -- not unlike a
> plasma rife, which is stopped by, say, a plate of steel like anything else.
> And I couldn't find anything in the books that seemed to back up what my
> roomie was saying (I looked in _Children of the Atom_ and the main rulebook),
> but I might have missed something, I often do. Neither of us have any stake in
> it being one way or the other, but I was curious what the "official" say is --
> or if I missed something -- and how the rest of y'all deal with it.
>         -Loki

MIRV is affected by armor, as is atomic blast (and nuke, assuming you allow armor
to protect from Masive damage)
There is a power to bypass non-living material with a projectile blast, and some
powers don't cause projectiles at all.


 - doug -