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Re: [HoE] [Hopler] Doomsayers and Armor

In a message dated 12/3/99 6:32:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
loki@triadntr.net writes:

<< Okay, I was talking to my roommate today, and he was under the impression 
 because the damage from powers like Atomic Blast and MIRV was supernatural
 radiation, that it skips all armor except Rad Tolerant. Now, in my opinion,
 powers like Atomic Bast and MIRV just fire a bolt of energy -- not unlike a
 plasma rife, which is stopped by, say, a plate of steel like anything else.
 And I couldn't find anything in the books that seemed to back up what my
 roomie was saying (I looked in _Children of the Atom_ and the main rulebook),
 but I might have missed something, I often do. Neither of us have any stake 
 it being one way or the other, but I was curious what the "official" say is 
 or if I missed something -- and how the rest of y'all deal with it. >>

These powers fire an energy blast which is affected by armor like all other 
damage. As a general rule of thumb, unless the power specifically states that 
it ignores armor, it follows the regular armor rules.

John Hopler