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Re: [HoE] Re: Spook Juice vs. G-Ray efficiency

>Or are you going to stop every 50 miles to make a
>gallon of spook juice,  travel another 50 miles, make
>another gallon, etc., etc.?<<
>I'm talking only in terms of efficiency.  In that
>context, spook juice gives you more bang for the buck,
>plain and simple.  As for convenience, the battery is
>better, but personally I'd rather spend the time
>making the juice than wasting the ghost rock.

Is it "wasting"...?

> >>Sure, but who buys the stuff?  There's scavenging
>rules for finding it (in the Companion book, under
>Witches, oddly enough), and it's not _that_ hard
>to come by.<<
>Buy it or find it, it's still worth $10 an ounce.  If
>a Junker uses that $10 ounce to make 5GR, he can't
>sell it/ trade it to get other things.  It has a high
>opportunity cost.
>Also, the commercial aspects of spook juice cannot be
>ignored.  Consider this possibility: drive 50 miles to
>the next survivor town, use $10 worth of ghost rock
>and $7 of chemicals to make 5 gallons of spook juice.
>Sell 4 gallons of juice at $10/gallon for 4 ounces of
>ghost rock, and use the last gallon to drive 50 miles
>to the next town.  Net result: $23 a town.
>Kinda silly, but it is money...

Are there survivor communities every 50 mile?  As the Road Warrior book 
notes, a lot of the narrative stuff makes it sound that way, but in fact 
such communities are supposedly a lot further apart.

Besides, ummm, why would communities need spook juice, since the RW suggests 
they are pretty much stay-at-home types anyway.

>(man, I've been taking too many econ classes!)


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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