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Re: [HOE] St. Dent

> Arthur Dent, Saint of the Odd and Inane
> Arthur Dent was a radio personality (of sorts) from Islington, Britain.
> one day out of the clear blue, one of his friends, Ford Prefect, announces
> that he's an alien, that the Earth is to soon be destroyed, and then he
> Arthur through space and through all manner of nonsense.
> Then he died, when all the versions of Earth died (supposedley).

I like the rest of this, but how are we here if the Earth blew up- and if
the Earth didn't blow up, then how did he die in its blowing up?  He'd
actually be good for my idea for Saints that didn't actually exist in
Deadlands manifesting, calling into question the nature of the Templar
Saints.  If Saints that didn't really exist are aiding people, then what are
the Saints REALLY?  I think it's a very interesting thing that someone could
introduce, which Shane agreed with at NukeCon (and I think was hinted at in
Last Crusaders).  It said that we don't really know if the Saints are what
we think they are or if they're really just a manifestation of our own
hidden strength.  Of course, I wouldn'ty really apply that to Arthur- he's
just some poor sod who got wrapped up in something else he doesn't
understand :) .

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times