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Re: [HOE] drawing a bead WAS: A question asked before, but need morehelp please

> That stopped soon after my posse's first encounter with Black Hats.  
> I had them organized into five-man groups for action purposes, like in
> GRW.
>  One unit's card came up.  Two Black Hats fired their guns on full
> RoF, each at a different member of the group.  The assassin syker
> wanted to save her action to use Brain Bomb on the guy manning the SAW
> in the HMMV, so she got hit 3 times.  The road warrior took the smart
> route, rolled his dodge, and only took one hit.  It turns out the
> syker was knocked out and never got to use that Brain Bomb anyway, and
> the road warrior saved the day (oh, and he had Heroic, too)

We had a similar situation happen in our group. We were ambushed outside a
rec-center by 12+ of the local thugs. The Doomie in the group cast
Molecular Cohesion and just stood there. The syker dove for cover. The
Templar (wisely) charged into HtH as soon as he could. My greenie and the
law dog were still inside the building and not really targets yet.

So the templars in HtH with 2 guys, the syker's exchanging fire with a
couple and the other 8+ start unloading into the doomsayer. He laughs and
shrugs off their fire with molecular cohesion. Then the shoot him again,
and again. In the end he burned most of his chips reducing the wounds he
wasn't sure MC could fix and wound up risking a critical wound, failing
his faith roll and going down. Meanwhile the rest of us played it smart
and used cover/etc. to minimize shots at us. In the doomie's defense
though, he did take several guys out with MIRVs.

> So, uhm, about that thing of ABs being invincible, and heroic norms being
> weak...yeah.

I think it's more of an attitude thing. It's like the guy who posted that
norms don't belong in a super-hero level game with sykers and doomies. But
sykers and doomies aren't super-heroes. Their norms with some powers. Five
wounds to the guts kills them just as dead as a norm. But (in my
experience) AB's tend to get cocky because they have these cool-guy
powers. They're like male teenagers after a few too many beers :) 
And just like those teenagers, when they fall, they fall hard!

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab

	"I am not in, from, nor have I ever been to, Idaho!"