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Re: [HOE] Deflections. please please please a quick response if possible.

Multiple response here:

> > These are all heroes.  Amazing things can happen. 

Assume the lotus position, breathe deeply, clear your mind and repeat
today's mantra, "heroes can do anything, heroes can do anything, heros
Jay-sis.  Maybe it's just me, but when I see heroes do "amazing" things
in books and movies, I don't usually wet myself with excitement, I
usually think, "Wow, what a contrived plot.  They really should give the
stuntman top billing as the lead role."  Now, in some movies, this is
acceptible; Army of Darkness, Black Mask, anything by Troma.  But that
kind of crap, while fun to watch for a bit, wears off quickly, which is
why movies like that are rarely more than 2 hours long.  The average game
session is four hours long, often running up as high as six.  That kind
of behavior would have me leaping across the table at my GM with a
hunting knife after that long.

> Besides how contrived would it be to say:
> "Ok, but you have to make a 21 cognition check first to realize it's
> coming at you."
> "So basically you're saying I can't do it."
> "Yeah, basically."

Since when is a 21 so hard to hit?  Granted, CotA does list it as being
an "Impossible" TN,  but i've seen a frightening number of rolls come up
that high, without spending chips at all.  Someone with d12 in a trait
doesn't even have to be very lucky to hit that number.
But that's a discussion for another time...

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo

". . ."
-Ryu Hayabusa