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[HOE] (Long) Revised abomination, The Shimmer.

As before, I have let you all know that I will send
new ideas for abominations when I can.  Just to let
everyone know, this critter has been playtested and
was a success in an arena battle.  I hope you other
Marshall's wish to use these critters.
The Shimmer     

     Imagine winters white, fluffy snows falling
during the mid-season months.  Then, picture the
scrapped, scattered remains of a party of characters
scared (literally) to death Marshall. 
     Any Posse travelin' the forested regions of the
Rockey Mountains, may come across an unusual
abomination known as The Shimmer.  An Acedemia: occult
roll of an onerous 7, can identify these furry little
critters.  The simple TN is due to some legends of
folklore.  Some say these varmits are the spirits left
of those who starved while lookin' for a new place to
call home after the bombs dropped.  Others might say
it is an uncontrolled maddness that drives even timid
animals crazy, and makes them want and hunger for
warm, fleshy morsals to eat.  Heroes are expected to
roleplay through the session in order to find out
about any local legends--They need to ask locals. 
Very few people outside these regions know the
mythical origins of these creatures.      
     Like some animals, The Shimmer's fur coat changes
with the seasons. There are two main pairs of colors
the furs change.  Also, the shaped patterns of the
coats of fur are identical to those of the White
Tailed Deer.  Like the deer, the specific colors are
the same for non-snow covered grounds.  In the winter
though, the change is completely different.  Expect
the colors to be primarily white and hinted light
greys.  Since the creature is camoflaged, the
characters get +4 to there TN for Cognition rolls.    
     When the sun gleams off from water, whether it be
frozen or in the form of dew, it has a sort of
mystical shimmer to it.  The Shimmer's eyes glow this
way also.  It would be most startling to see the water
sparkles chasing your characters, even before the
characters realized what was on their tail ends.     
Because of their thick fur and the climate they live,
these abominations get a thick-skinned, twice.  This
way, the posse can assume the critter is hit, but are
shivering scared when they erupt in a group of
knarling fur.  The Shimmer, hunt in packs.  Roll a 1d8
to see how many are in the pack (Reroll any aces). 
     When it comes to doin' harm to this critter, the
Marshall needs to make an onerous 7 Smarts roll.  If
the TN is met, the abomination skips right out of the
way of danger.  The Shimmers', as well as the
Jackelope, have a sixth sense.  This could make the
job of killin' just one, costly on ammo.* (*Just in
case your heroes have to much ammo, Marshal.)
Size: 3     Corporeal: D:1d4, N:2d10, S:4d8, Q:4d10
            V:1d10, Fightin'; claws: 3d10,   
Terror: 9   sneak:4d10+2                              
            Mental: C:4d10, K:2d6, M1d12,             
            sm:2d12, Sp: 3d4, Trackin':6d10, 
            Overawe: 5d12, Ridicule, 3d12
Special Abilities: Sixth sense: On an onerous 7 smarts
roll, the shimmer can avoid any danger. 
Natural Camoflage: +2 to sneak. 
            Bite: str+1d6, Claws: Str+2--With a single
claw or the entire paw worn as a charm, that charcter
gets a +2 to Nimbleness rolls.  The bad side is that
they get a taste for blood when they engage in a
fight.  They get the Mean as a rattler hinderance.    
     Honestly, this creature is best described as
something the size of a wolverine, with the same
ferciness, and the thicker fur and claws of a badger. 
As a humorous point...Yes, I did want these to be a
version of Jackelope, only bigger and meaner.  I have
play tested these with Capnsmitty19a and they worked
well.  I only hope to put them in a game and roll 13
or 15 for a pack roll...If there are any questions
about The Shimmer or the Greater Gremlin, contact me
at josephtalon@yahoo.com.  I have had troubles with
getting email from the list at hotmail, so send
messages to this address.  Enjoy them and send some
ideas.  I hope you all have many awesome games.  
     As this is revised, I hope I have made the proper
corrections to spelling and pronunciation.  I would
also like to thank Darklord whom addressed me first
about my mistakes. 
Fellow Marshall,  Mark

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