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Re: [HOE] Arcane Background:Road Warrior

Well, first off, i think junkers have enough powers already.  There were two
sets f arcane backgrounds that HOE players wanted:  road warriors and law
dogs.  Besides, read the marshall's section on spook juice, you'll
unserstand why they can talk to ol' bessie after a few quarts.  As for them
being underpowered, i feel that they work just fine as standalone powers,
especially given that they work while the road warrior's driving.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Zachariasen" <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [HOE] Arcane Background:Road Warrior

> This all looks kinda neat, but I might just make it a special Junker-only
> Edge. Cost it at 2 (just call it "Old Girl" or some such) and charge them
> normally for the new powers. I'd do this because A) it's not really strong
> enough to be a full-blown Arcane Background and B) Junkers are the only
> really in tune enough with tech spirits to begin "talking" to them. Still,
> think it's a cool idea and I'd like to see a few more powers for it.
> Nick Zachariasen
> Editor Emeritus
> Trojan Times
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