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Re: [HOE] What to do with Grit 5 PCs AND how not to reply to the digest


That small child would be close to the "Children of the Dust" found in
Spirit Warriors.

C M Hylton

PS: I accidently replied to HOE Digest post.  sorry, pressed the wrong

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Yates" <jyates@primaryfunction.com>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: [HOE] What to do with Grit 5 PCs AND how not to reply to the digest

> >
> > First off, guys, could you please stop quoting the entire
> > digest in your replies.
> >
> >
> > Clint
> >
> Erg, I apologize.  I did manage to make sure I replied in non-html format,
> but then forgot to trim the quote down to just the applicable bits (let
> alone the whole digest!).
> In my defense, um, well, nuts.  Got no defense, just wasn't paying
> at the time.
> Well then, enough bandwidth on that.  (And no digest attached to this
> message!)
> I'm trying to avoid spoiler info at this point, but you may want to go
> anyway.
> OK, so we've had two bigger beefier (pardon the pun) options on what to do
> with Grit 5 PCs.  And Mr. Black's wasn't even actually beefy.  Anyone got
> any more fleshed out ideas on a less-is-more approach?  Something more
> creepy and less tank-like?  This actually sounds really good to me as a
> Marshal.  HOE has a lot of "My Gun's bigger than your GUn."   I'm going to
> try to find the time to work out my small-blonde-child replacement for the
> Los Diablos.  What do the rest of you use?
> Jeff Y.
> Marshal for the Dynamite Gang
> (on hiatus while taking a turn as player ;-)
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