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Re: [HOE] Road Warrior Second Chance!!!???

*snip* Blue: For the Templar's Faith in minutes, each piece of jewelry worn
> the Templar's neck grants him 1 level of Armor (2 if it's a religious
> such as a cross). Add 1 level if the item is actually gold. Each piece of
> jewelry on the hands or arms grants a 1d4 damage bonus when fighting with
> your fists (2d4 if the item is gold). *snip*
I like this one. I can just imagine characters with this saint specifying
just exactly what jewellry and where. Still I'd impose an upper limit to
stop munchkins from enjoying themselves. Perhaps four-five pieces of
jewellry max?
*snip*Speaking of Lay on Hands, does anything bad happen if the Templar
busts the
> Faith roll? *snip*
I always thought busting a Lay on Hands roll gave you the healee's (I know
it's not a real word!) wound or affliction which you were trying to heal.
Apparently not. Not problems if you botch (sounds to easy is you ask me...)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Zachariasen" <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [HOE] Road Warrior Second Chance!!!???

> I like yours, though for the Legend power I'd perhaps have the Templar
> get an extra number of cards equal to his Faith and, if he comes back, an
> equal bonus to Dominion. Otherwise it just seems too powerful.
> > amount of time related to faith. I'd take the guess that the player has
> > name the skill and can't change it once they've made their choice.
> Otherwise
> > it's obscenely powerful. Perhaps it can only be used on a friend who
> Yeah, I've specified that now.
> > I can't exactly remember what duct tape does but this ability would
> > come in a lot of handy or be totally useless. This one I don't have any
> > particular objections to (gee, I really feel like I'm bad-mouthing you
> ;)).
> Basically, you can just sort of magically fix Durability steps to an
> All you need is components and a good Spirit roll.
> > Even with the ability to cast this once per day the blue chip ability
> seems
> > to be siding on the "powerful" side. I'd either say that it should have
> > disadvantage attached to it, such as either
> > a) the players can't use chips to cancel wounds
> > b) if they do something (say, use an arcane ability) it shuts down
> > c) this ability also affects the bad guys (the whole mercy thing)
> I changed this to the Legend Chip ability. The new Blue chip ability is as
> follows:
> Blue: For the Templar's Faith in minutes, each piece of jewelry worn
> the Templar's neck grants him 1 level of Armor (2 if it's a religious
> such as a cross). Add 1 level if the item is actually gold. Each piece of
> jewelry on the hands or arms grants a 1d4 damage bonus when fighting with
> your fists (2d4 if the item is gold).
> Alternately, you may spend a Blue Chip to invoke the Greater Reward of Lay
> on Hands even if you don't have it. You still have to roll as normal, but
> you can use it even if you've already used it on that person within 24
> hours. T had to fight the battle of his life against cancer, so he knows
> what it's like to have faith in a higher power help you pull through such
> time. I also added to the Legend power the alternate use of the Greater
> Reward of Lay on Hands except it automatically succeeds.
> Speaking of Lay on Hands, does anything bad happen if the Templar busts
> Faith roll?
> > He has too many vexations. It may very well be the way it's written (or
> the
> > fact I need sleep) but they feel somehow pointless. Although
> > I'd just leave that last vexation about knowingly commiting a
> > act or turning his back on any who deserve the templar's help.
> Well, it probably wouldn't seem like os much if it were in list form,
> that is a concern of mine. The verbal gaffes are mainly just a sort of
> unified vexation that's spelled out compartmentally. I cleaned up the bit
> about swearing, though, simply stating that if a child is present he'll
> spiritually sock you in the gut for 1d8 Wind.
> Nick Zachariasen
> Editor Emeritus
> Trojan Times
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