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Re: [HOE] Goings On with "The Boise Horror"...

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 01:38:45 -0800 "c m hylton" <cmhylton@earthlink.net>
> Just some misc. info on my foray into the Boise Horror...
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> But after those ramblings, I do need some minor info...
> Since the PC's Templar is Japanese and he has the complete Daisho 
> (Katana
> and Wakasashi).  I was wondering if anyone has an idea what the 
> following
> weapons damage would be: a Naganata (the staff with a blade at the 
> end of
> it), a Kama (or a "rice cutter," "hand scythe" with or without the 
> chain for
> entanglement), 

I'd go with standard sword stats for both, but give the Nagantanta an
addition DB, and use the chain rules from "wated West" if you use that.

a Nodachi  (larger kin of a katana) 

Sword +1 step

or a Kali knife 
> (Ghurka?
> that Tibetan knife with the curved blade used for cutting head 
> off?)

Big knife stats

Also a word of advice.... if you have run "The Destroyers" adventures,
and the character that counted coup on Modeen gets Simons sword, drain
his chips!!!!!!!!!!!! It was terribly disapointing whenI ran it. our
templar with 4d12 strength and 5d12 fightin sword had Modeens
anti-templar powers, and once he successfull struck baphomet in guts, he
poured all his chips (about 5 white 5 red and 3 blue) into the damage
roll, killing baphomet in one hit.


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