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[pbmserv] Karen Ridenour

It seems to me that Karen Ridenour was orignally kicked off the server not to 
many months ago.  She was flooding the email boxes with single requests for 
about a dozen games instead of combining all requesting into a single 
request.  She repeatedly bombarded these singles requests into mailboxes 
repeatedly when people didn't immediately answer her requests for games.

Now it appears she is bombarding in another fashion - everyone is picking on 
her in every game she plays.

Her bombarding is no different then spam.  It is annoying and should be 
deleted.  What is Karen's opinion:

"Spammers Will Lose They're
Heads At The Shoulder Blades And Be
Beaten With They're Own Bloody Stumps.
Successful Spammers Will Be Rewarded
With The Loss Of Network Access And
Criminal Proceedings!"

The verdict was in before on Karen - the boot.  Why did she get let back onto 
the server?  I say reinstate the previous just verdict.  A size twelve work 
boot would be my first choice but then wisdom says a rod.

Pr 26:3 - A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the 
back of fools.
