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[pbmserv] New Toot Update

Hello all Tooters,
   I have upgraded the game of Toot.  I also included the game of "Tootris"! 
Feel free to challenge me to a game of Tootris.

toot challenge -tootris <yourid> dzander
toot challenge -tootris dzander <yourid>

Help For Toot


   Welcome to the network Toot server.
   The commands are the same for all pbmserv games.
The Rules of Toot

Challenge Command Syntax

   An optional board size may be specified in the challenge command.
   Syntax: -size=<width>x<height>
   where <width> is between 1 and 14 and <height> is between 1 and 20
   i.e. Toot challenge -size=7x9 Player1 Player2

   The game may also be played as "Tootris" whereas when the bottom row
   is filled, it will disappear and all other rows will fall down one.
   Players receive an unlimited number of pieces when playing "Tootris"
   Syntax: -tootris
   i.e. Toot challenge -tootris Player1 Player2   

Object of the Game

   On the board, two players named "TOOT" and "OTTO" alternate dropping 
   their pieces from the top of the board, down a column, attempting to 
   be the first to spell their name either horizontally, vertically or
   diagonally.  If a player spells both names simultaneously then he wins.  
   If a player spells only the opponent's name then the opponent wins.
Movement Rules

   Move Syntax: <column><letter>
   i.e. move "BT" would drop the letter "T" down column B.

   On your turn, you drop either a "T" or an "O" down any column that is
   not "full". The piece will drop and stop either at the bottom of the
   column or on just above the topmost piece in that column.
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Figure 1 -- Empty 6x4 Toot Board

   When not playing with the "-tootris" option:
     Each player gets a limited number of pieces and may run out.
     If the board fills up before either player spells their name then the
     game is a tie.

Douglas Zander
Publisher of GPZ (GAMES Player's Zine)
A free fanzine about GAMES Magazine
Special Retro Issue comming June 3rd, 2008
Ask me for details.