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Re: [PyrNet-L] Why ask why?

Linda, Brandy and Jet,

>  The majority of animals in shelters today are not dogs. The
>  majority of the dogs are mixed breeds.  >>

> I don't feel it is "right" to say that a mixed breed is not a dog. 

Your quote is out of context.  Never did the above (separate) 
statements imply that a mix is not a dog!  Of course it is.  If you 
have any doubts, please note that we have always listed probable Pyr 
mixes in the Pyrs Of The Realm pet section.  Right now there are 
three such dogs there, all of which I searched for and found myself.  
In one case, I even had to suggest to the owner that the dog 
probably had some Pyr in it...

Patric - PyRealm Webmaster.
Solstice Great Pyrenees     Madison, Wisconsin;
Pyrs of the Realm: How to find every Pyr in the WWWorld;