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Re: [PyrNet-L] CGC and vicious dogs (was Debate)

Warrick - thanks for the info on CGC tests. Sounds interesting, even
fascinating,  but , like you, I'm not sure how accurate it would be to
identify vicious dogs.  Dogs tend to act a lot different when:
    1)  not on a lead, 
    2)  not in owners presence
    3)  with other dogs in a pack. 
They will often do things they'd never-in- a-million-years do with owner,
especially with owner on a lead. Plus what about dogs that go through
temperament changes? Whether due to injury, illness, aging,  teething, lack of
water or shade on a hot day, or any number of things? Conditions that exist
today can make a dog grumpy & irritable today, whereas maybe those conditions
weren't the same yesterday or last week.  Or the dog's ability to handle those
things was greater then. [Just like people, huh?! There are times I'm witchier
than other times!! (Boy! My spelling's atrocious today!! <VBG!  :)  >!)] Like
I said before:  the majority of attacks are by dogs that supposedly never bit
anyone before. Remember to REPORT any dog attack to the authorities!  (That's
the only way to make sure the authorities are in the know & statistics reflect
reality.) It sure would be great if there was some way to prevent most dog
attacks before they happen. Not sure these tests will serve this purpose
adequately. Although they sound helpful in other ways.