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RE: Re[2]: [PyrNet-L] - how to stop male pyr from

<<I know it's late to join this discussion, but have you tried something>> 
<<like bitter apple or bitter orange or what about tabasco sauce.  These>>
<<items generally stop chewing but might they also work to reduce his>>
<<tendency to mark the toys too.  After all, why would he want to mark>>
<<something he has no more interest in.>>
<<hmmmmmmm, one last thought before I leave, what about some type of >>
Steve & Jodi-
Thanks for the suggestion.  It might work, but I think I'd be afraid of 
Rosie getting the bitter apple/tabasco, etc. on her hands and then rubbing 
her eyes.  Maybe we can find something along those lines that would 
work...I'll look into it.  Thanks!
Tara Morrison