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Re: [PyrNet-L] BEHAVOIR: 3 Sticky Wickets

Hi Judith,
I really did get a laugh from picturing Lexi turning your chair around and
rocking you!  I could just picture it! It would make a great cartoon.  I
guess, however, that I have a different outlook on rambunctious puppies.  I
just don't want them chasing all over the house or jumping on me or the
furniture.  Our house rule is no chasing or rough play inside.  It is fine
for them to play rough outside with each other (the advantage of having 2
pyrs) but not with us or any of the family..unless invited to run and play
outside. If they start getting rambunctious in the house, out they go.  I do
think all the dogs are more energetic in the spring anyway. We discourage
puppy buyers from playing tug of war or rough games with their pups because
we don't want the pups growing up to think their people are their equals and
playmates.  They need to know that their people are the bosses and not their
chew toys...hugs, pats, tummy rubs and all that are great (when they are
good and have earned them).  Maybe my age showing.....my efforts seem to be
directed at calming them down instead of winding them up.  My Pepper (a Lexi
relative) at 2 1/2 has calmed down considerably, no longer shreds fabrics
(she would have destroyed your fluffy chairs in no time) and is at last
quite civilized and welcome in the house. Lexi sounds smart enough to enjoy
more training...agility, tracking, carting or therapy?

#2 Is Jonah feeling ok - not wanting to play or eat  treats would worry me.
Is he being overpowered by Lexi and feeling left out? What is he doing while
you are playing with Lexi?  Sometimes dogs get sort of apologetic when they
are feeling like underdogs. Does Lexi push him out of the way to get treats?
Many Pyrs are afraid of things over their heads - cabinet doors, hands, etc.
Try patting him under the chin instead of on the head and holding treats up
over his head for him to reach while praising him.

#3 Is there any way you can fix up a fenced area away from those sliding
glass doors so the dogs can't get to them?  Are there any other ways in and
out of the house that you could use instead of those?  I have heard of dogs
going through the glass and getting hurt. How about hooking up a hose and
squirting them when they head for the doors.

Just some thoughts.