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Re: [PyrNet-L] BEHAVOIR: 3 Sticky Wickets

On Mon, 16 Mar 1998, judith diamond wrote:

> David, what a concept. I never thought of having my own agility course.
> Not really. Of course, this will entail shopping for equipment. As Linda
> said, Lexi may have her PhD in Education and manipulation.  But,  when
> it comes to liquidating my asset's or anyone else's, I am the brains of
> the family.  . Of course, Lee, my husband has never truly appreciated
> this aspect of my intelligence. <BG>  David, Lexi is still only 13
> months old. Should I impose some constraints for her agility training?
> If so, what?  I have heard here on the list, that pyrs under two years
> old could injure themselves by doing certain aspects of agility too
> soon. I did actually take Lexi to only one puppy agility class when she
> was 5 months old. Then somehow, I got the misguided idea that she
> should'nt be doing it for health reason's. So. we dropped out.  


You may be rightfully concerned with a 5 month old but it should be OK
with a 13 month old.  If you keep the jump heights relatively low with the
equipment set up on a good surface, I don't see how it could harm her. 


"All relationships are a mirror of the relationship you have with
yourself." - Deepak Chopra