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[PyrNet-L] Pyr MUSIC ,Rescue/Donations

 Hi everyone,
     Is there anyone else here that dares to admit, that they
 have song's for their pyrs?  <BG> Seriously. 'We', who do won't feel so
"NUT"S", if 'you'
Just a thought..... How about instead of producing a list of good vets,
we  all together as pyr *lover's* compile a list of pyr songs? A
Pyrenees song book? Those
of us that already have songs and those of us that might enjoy
composing them, could organize them into sheet music,etc. I doubt that
this would cost very much monitarily. As for work involved,  I for one
would be willing to put some of my time and energy into it.
 We wouldn't have to publish to the world, would
we?  <g>  Just something for 'us'. As well as, for any one else that
would like to join the
pyrenees madness to do for the benifit of the breed or rescue and such.
If we somehow all agreed to do this, ( and I know that this may be
asking a lot.   <VBG> ) maybe we could sell the music at show's and what
not. The proceed's could be donated to pyr rescue or to wherever we
decide that they should go.  What do you think on this one?
     Is that writer who introduced herself awhile back
still on the list?  She was writing a book, pertinent to pyrenees,
wasn't she? Perhaps she would like to write a musical book?    <VVBG>
 I guess that a  I'll post
'Lexi's song.'  But first a tidbit all about the boy.

      Jonah likes his song sung to him best by me, when I firmly
and gently nestle him within my body, while I am primarily supporting
his shoulders and head with my right arm. He must sense that I am not a
south paw. Because when I have tried this from the left side, the  mush
ball has not melted as easily. <VBG>
  Lexi's is another story,  she prefers that I fondle her ear's firmly
with just the right touch. ( or she let's me know. <g> ) She loves her
song sung to her by Mommy in just about any position. Whew!  Because
that ist is easier on me.
    Oh heck! If I am serious enough about this silly song
book, I may as well walk my talk and devulge it. Let me preface by
saying that I grew up
playing Stephen Foster songs & Broadway Musical tunes on my mother's
   It is very originally titled as: Lexi's Song. The tune is to Stephen
Foster's, Camptown Races. *Please delete or ignore if ya' can't take
it.* <BG>

Lex and Mommy play all day.
Do dah,do dah,
Lexi try's to have her way, all de duh do dah day
Mommy loves Lexi night and day,
do dah,  do dah.
Lexington loves Mommy at work and play,
do dah, do dah, Lex still tries to get her way,
oh, de do dah day.
Mommy loves her Lexi, anyway, do dah, do da
 She still loves her night & day, all the do dah way.
Pup, pup, pup, pup, pup
pup de pup, pup pup,
Mommy loves Lexi all the way, all the do dah day

    Need I say,  that one of Lexi's nick names is "Do dah, girl".
Jonah's song is another story. For another time, if you can bear it. <G>

 Take good care. Judith
God spelled backwards is dog.