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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr MUSIC ,Rescue/Donations

I don't know if you can use this story or not, but I have an older female pyr
Echo and a 1 yr old boxer male Gambit.  Echo is calm and staid and pretty
relaxed, Gambit on the other hand is not LOL.

One day I let them out side and Echo goes out and does her usual barking thing
and Gambit was just standing there minding his own business and I SWEAR Echo
got the weird look on her face and then she ran at Gambit and Body Slammed
him!  It was the funniest thing, cause usually it is Gambit trying to get Echo
to play.  Usually he will run around her barking and doing that thing that
dogs do when the want to play (putting both front feet on the ground with
their tail/butt up in the air).  

But Echo really surprised me this time <G>
