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[PyrNet-L] Re:Rescue Music TEAM

BirdBugg wrote:

> I don't know if you can use this story or not, but I have an older
> female pyr
> Echo and a 1 yr old boxer male Gambit.  Echo is calm and staid and
> pretty
> relaxed, Gambit on the other hand is not LOL.
> Sandy,

That was a wonderful story!
   WE are ALL giving each other some ideas for the pyr rescue book right
& left. You have lead me to think that WE could include short stories in
this book too! Evelyn has already suggested  that photographs be added
to the our potential and future book.. What fun it would be to see all
your dogs!! In that, myself and others can't always see your pyr/ babies
in person or on a web site. Big smile.
    I had a lengthy discussion with Lexi's breeder last night. Which,
bye the way is not unusual for us. I know that once I get started I, for
one can have a big mouth. And I might add, enjoy it to the max.,  <g> (
As some of you my have painfully noticed lately, with my obsession of
posting this week. ) Her and I brainstormed  the Pyr Song Book idea
around, ad nauseaum. <VBG>  Maureen, came up with the idea of including
pyrenees related poetry in it.  I think that this is just perfect.
Perfect, because not everybody is or cares to be musically inclined.
Which were exactly her thoughts. Thus, with only 3 'head's in on this,
so far, we have determined that this book will be one of songs, poems
short stories and photo's. You see you 'guys', maybe we really can get
this off the ground for the benefit of pyrenees everywhere. It could be
done through a national or a local means. It doesn't matter to me. That
is, as long as we all can contribute to it and all reap the benefits of
    I once learned a lovely slogan. It said something like;  we can do
what I couldn't! It is my belief, that for this nice idea to become an
actual book, it will take as many of us as we can gather.  We will need
a pyrennes book team. We could call ourselves just that, if you'd like!
What do you think?
    In earnest,
