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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: Longevity of Pyrs

In a message dated 98-03-20 10:32:11 EST, you write:

<< I added their ages together and divided by the number of
 dogs. I came up to 8.1 years.  >>

Not really surprised.  I learned when we came into the breed 25 years ago that
the breed lived 8 to 10 years.  Our dogs without disease, lived about 12 years
generally, so I figured we has a line that was a little longer lived. I never
tell prospective owner that they should expect more than 8 to 10 years.

Right now we have two 14 year olds, one 13 year old and two 12 year olds.  The
Aneto geriatric facility <G>.  Read carefully and I will try to write
carefully what I am going to say as I do not want it misread or to say other
than what I mean.  
I wish some of the dogs did not live as long as they do.  When they get so
old, some of them have a very poor quality of life and we get into the
impossible situation of trying to determine when the poor quality of life they
endure no longer is good for them.  I feel we alway error on the side of life.
Sounds bad, but I wonder so many times if we did not love and admire them so
much we would have made some different decisions.   I feel we are biased by
our love for them and maybe sometimes do what we want and maybe not what is
best for the dog. Understand this does not happen with all dogs, but more than
we want it to happen.

Right now we have a really bad situation going on with McDoughal an old 14
year old boy.  Of course he has always been if not my favorite certainly one
of them.  

<<If you think that these should be excluded from the longevity
issue due to the circumstances, then I would have to say the 
only Pyr who lived out his life with me was almost 15. And the
last 6 years of his life were lived in NJ, five miles
west of "Cancer Alley" (the Perth Amboy to Newark corridor).

Any thoughts on this? And using my method, what numbers 
do you get? Charlotte - Joe - anyone else?>>

I think you include them all, except for accidents or artificially situations
(don't know what I would put here either).  I Think uslng  your methods we
would get between 11 and 12 years old.   
