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Re: [PyrNet-L] And Now To Bed...

-you wrote> 
> A question for all those whose Pyr's are household pets (that 
> is, you don't have a set of kennels with several animals kept 
> mainly for breeding):
> Where does your pet Pyr sleep?
Rodman used to sleep in the horse barn, until we fenced the yard to keep
him in.  Now he sleeps in his doghouse, which is one of those "dogloos" --
the biggest one that company makes.  Looks like a big plastic igloo.   To
look at it, you wouldn't think it was big enough, but he gets in a turns
around just fine.

I have noticed, however, that he prefers sleeping out on the ground to
anything else. He will only use the dogloo is I have it filled with pine
shavings as bedding.
