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[PyrNet-L] And Now To Bed...

A question for all those whose Pyr's are household pets (that 
is, you don't have a set of kennels with several animals kept 
mainly for breeding):

Where does your pet Pyr sleep?

We don't have a Pyrenean just yet, but when we do I pretty much  
doubt that my wife will allow her to sleep inside: are there any
(hopefully all-weather) alternatives those reading this list 
come up with for their own charges?

Since the doghouses on the market here seem too small, and the 
garden sheds on offer seem a bit of overkill, I had the bright 
idea of purchasing a kids' cubbyhouse [play house] for a 
Pyr-doghouse (since the several models available ar eall in 
between a normal large doghouse and a garden shed in size). 
What do you guys think of this idea?

" All I Want is a Warm Bed and a Kind Word 
  and Unlimited Power" - Ashleigh Brilliant

Love to all
Michael Bishop
Brisbane, Australia