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On Tue, 24 Mar 1998, Phil & Chris Speakman wrote:

> 1.    If anyone has seen my mind please tell it to get back home.
> Thankie kindly

Can't help you there.
> 2.    Anyone know of a good way to organize their "kept" emails....mine
> are everywhere and I know I've answered/reanswered/rereanswered stuff
> while completely forgetting other questions.

I'm probably weird, but I organize most dog related e-mail by the name of 
the Pyr it relates to.  If there are just too many Patous or Bears, I 
break down and use the owner's name.  This also helps for people who own 
5 or more Pyrs.

> 3.    Papers, papers, notes, scribbles, everywhere....any suggestions on
> a Good Pyr information book?  I'm getting the Total Shiba book but think
> I better get a Pyr book....my notes are confusing me.
The Complete Great Pyrenees by Paul Strang is excellent, and available at 
many pet supply stores or at dog shows.

> 4.    Just how much does a Pyr eat???  Big dog = BIG P--p......any funny
> stories about clean up??
Remember that Pyrs were bred to guard--meaning lie around and wait for 
the wolf.  They eat lots as puppies, perhaps 6 cups a day, and then at 
about 2 their systems slow down and we had to put our girl on a diet.  
She now gets 2 1/4 cups per day, divided into two meals that barely cover 
the bottom of her dish.

> 5.    Have heard/been warned that the Shiba likes cat p--p for
> dessert.....gross yes...strange very...now what about Pyrs????
Our girl has grown out of this gross practice--it's very individual.

> 6.    This was asked on the Shiba listing but I thought it might be
> interesting to everyone here as well:;
>                 1.    How did you come to choose a Pyr??

In the 70s we Fell in love with Pierre of Bleu Crest (I think I have that 
right--Pierre in any case) and started hanging out at the Pyr ring at 
shows.  Out of the blue a breeder offered to give us a bitch we had met 
at a show because she had to find a placement home for her.  This girl 
came into our lives and took over our hearts.  She crossed the Rainbow 
Bridge in 1980 (at almost 13) and we still miss her terribly.

> 7.    Now this I may really start something but I don't mean too.  What
> about Pyrs in puppy mills??  I've always heard about other
> breeds....more like small or small to medium mixes.  Have the Pyrs run
> into this problem???  Hey I might actually be on to something
> here..........a story with a puppy miller and how they are found out,
> charged and so forth.....might be a good way to teach people???
> Please.....I'm not saying anything about people who have found their Pyr
> baby at a pet store....you still love them and they're everything to
> you.  Ooopps.....is that foot in my mouth again..sorry.

There are Pyrs in puppy mills.  Our current girl was a pet store Pyr that 
we adopted through Rescue.  She came from Kansas from what we suspect may 
have been a puppy mill.  In spite of this questionable heritage, she is 
a love, has her CGC and TDI certification, and at the age of 9 1/2 began 
a career in therapy.  At 10 1/2 she is reasonably healthy, very puppyish 
at times, and enjoys life to the fullest.  We think she's beautiful, but 
she deviates from the standard in many ways.  But... even pet store Pyrs 
can be good companions.

> Thank you and I've survived Judith and the gang's hugs but boy or boy I
> didn't realize how wet you can get from Pyr doggie kisses (giggle)
Clondike, a major drooler, sends her own virtual hugs and kisses.

David (for Clondike, the Brussels Sprouts Kid)

 David Kintsfather              | PHONE:       (610) 683-4497
 Dept. of Telecommunications    | FAX:         (610) 683-4659
 Kutztown University            | INTERNET:    kintsfat@kutztown.edu
 PO Box 730                     |   "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730       |                Francis David