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I'd love to hear
> others "why did you choose a Pyrenees?" answers!
Okay!  You asked!  True story:

I was sitting in the hairdressers, and the woman in the next chair was
telling her operator that she was going to put down her dog because she
and her husband were moving to France.  I sat bolt upright, nearly got
my ear cut off, and shouted "You are not!"  The next day, I had adopted
their dog, a Pyr named Sasha.  She was 6 at the time and lived to be 
12 1/2.  When she passed to the Bridge, I went looking for a breeder and
through a number of referrals found Lilly.  Abby came three years later
when I volunteered to help with rescue.  You always keep your first one.

I guess this story is quite a "cut up."  Sorry, could not resist.

Catherine Oldham
Readsboro, Vt