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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: Snake Control

Cindy Nichols wrote:
> Hi Everyone;
> I have just had a tremendous scare! I just moved to a new place and I
> was clearing some brush along the fence row and a rattle snake came at
> me! Luckily I killed it with the weed eater. However, a smaller one got
> away. No telling how many more there are. Does anyone know a way to get
> rid of snakes. I don't want my dogs, kids, or me to get bit.
> Thanks in advance for any info.

Moth Balls work very well at repelling snakes...for your best 
protection, however, is to employ the help of black snakes, there is a 
mammel, related to the ferret, that I cannot recall at the moment, that 
eats snakes....any one remember???


Adrienne Wilder  www.stc.net/~draggon/index.htm (pet portraits)
Murrayville GA

"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"

Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.