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Re: [PyrNet-L] Hello Out There

Hello Liz, 
How is the weather down your way??  I thought that the problems with
spamming had to do with your internet server. Shouldn't they be able to do
something about it?  I was told that the reason we have never had a spamm
(so far - knock on wood) was because our internet company does such a good
job of filtering them out.  
Charlotte (8 Pyrs, 2 Pyr Sheps and a mutt all shedding in warm spring Virginia)

>Hello Charlotte,
>I am missing the pyr news even more as I have taken my self off several
>lists because of spamming problems. Must have forgotten this one and I am
>glad. Its awful being cut off. I just hope the idiot is giving up but had
>another one yesterday. Because of him I lost about 300 messages off all my
>different lists. I too hope all is well. Saw the tornado news on the teev.
>Did not look good.
>Liz (Benson Falcor and Mym the down under Pyrs)