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[PyrNet-L] Chat: BJ the rescue dog

 The Pyrenees in the Conroe dog pound was pick up this morning.  The first
call we got on him was that he was to be put down(now yesterday)..  He did not
 want to get into Rita's (my partner in rescue) car.  But, above and beyond
 that the dog smelled--the worst smelling dog the vet had ever had come in(so
 he says!!).  The dog pound had him in this little 4 foot by 4 foot kennel and
 if he went potty he had no where to lay but in it(yuck).  He is drastically
 under weight he weighed 85 lbs at the vets this morning.  Should have weighed
 close to 110 lbs or more!!  He is badly matted-- and oh how he smelled. So he
 got a bath well, three different shampoos later he still smells some-- but
 near as bad.  He also got his rabies shot this morning and the vet named him
 B.J.   We do not know why he was named that but the vet named him so B.J. it
 is -- atleast til he gets a better name-- stinky is more appropriate!!
      Lisa Box volunteered to foster him-- I was embarrased to let her have
 but she met me at PetCo and actually took him.  She has her work cut out for
 her.  He will need grooming, deworming and lots of love.
         Lisa and I will keep you posted on BJ's progress!!