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Re: [PyrNet-L] Kuvas head and Pyr head

In a message dated 98-04-25 16:35:55 EDT, you write:

<< What I am trying to say is that some breeders names not be mentioned,
 feel that to achieve their goal in getting back the old style pyr, they
 need to create this type.  Which in fact putting a Pyr and a Kuvasz next
 to each other you could not tell the difference.  The majority of the
 Pyrs that the breeder's (mentioned) have are white that I have seen,
 thus they look like a Kuvasz. >>
If  what you describe is accurate then I suggest these breeders a greatly
misguided.  They should be ignored as they are not attempting to breed Pyrs.
What is this "old style" you refer?

