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Re: [PyrNet-L] Kuvas head and Pyr head

Patti Brunkala wrote:
> > > If  what you describe is accurate then I suggest these breeders a
> greatly
> > > misguided.  They should be ignored as they are not attempting to breed
> Pyrs.
> > > What is this "old style" you refer?
> >
> I'm sure I'm sticking my nose in where it does not belong, but if there are
> breeders out there who are misguided, why should we ignore them?  I think
> that if we do that, we are as bad as they are, for we are letting it
> continue.  If they (whoever they are) are not breeding to the standard,
> maybe they don't interpret it as others do.  Shouldn't those others strike
> up a conversation with them & explain the more correct interpretation?
> Show them a picture of the illustrated standard?

You are right here, but, in some cases it one of those "you buy them
books and they eat the pages" situations. Each person interprets the
standard(illustrated or not) in their own way which can make things
difficult. Judges need to be educated more but, that will take time.
> I know I can speak at least for myself in saying that I greatly respect the
> help and confidences of the experienced breeders, and the breeders that
> have confided in me have helped me greatly to understand the standard
> better.  I can kind of relate this to teaching our children responsibility,
> if we, as the parents (the experienced breeders), don't teach our children
> (the novice breeder) responsibility, who will teach them??  I am not
> professing to be a parent in the breeder case, I am myself a child (novice)
> at pyrs, so please don't flame me too badly!  <g>

Flame this - NEVER. Well said. Troble happens when people look to the
wrong person to teach them.