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Re: [PyrNet-L] invisible fencing - thanks

Congrats on your choice of fence.
It sounds like we live in the same conditions and after using ours for a
year ; we still love it. Our 3 pyres,chow and ridgeback do great with it. We
have18 acres fenced and then 8 acres of invisible fence. We breed exotic
birds and we need for our dogs to be able to patrol that area and around our
home. We also own a pet store and we will not even stock tie out chains. Our
belief is fence or leash train or look to the options of owning a different
pet. If I ever thought one of my dogs would bite someone I would put up
chain link fence. Just for the extra measure. All of our dogs including the
7 year old chow are social butterfly's. Be it human or animal. You should
see a 4 year old male pyre. herd a 12 week old Blue and Gold Macaw back up
the side of it's cage. Our 2 latest editions [2  four year old female pyre's
from rescue] already know when it's time to feed the week old chicks. When
they hear them begin to cry they are up and on their feet.
 They knew they were put here to guard a flock. They just did'nt know it
would be a flock of birds.
-----Original Message-----
From: D3melza <D3melza@aol.com>
To: pyrnet-l@gamerz.net <pyrnet-l@gamerz.net>
Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 1:03 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] invisible fencing - thanks

>    Thank you Maureen and Dave, and everyone else who has given me feedback
>the invisible fencing. I have gotten a lot of yes and no answers to my
>question, but I have analyzed them all in the situation I'm in, and I think
>have decided yes.
>     Most of the deterrent's I have heard have been about biting the
>and neighborhood kids, etc. We have a unique situation here because we
>live in a neighborhood. We live out in the country with few other houses
>nearby. The mailbox is out of the boundary the fencing will be in, and all
>our dogs know the mail lady personally, and she gives them treats when they
>greet her.
>     I thought about the other factors, that they might go wild and break
>through and bite, but then I thought about my dogs. Belle and Zuni are both
>pretty docile females under 90 pounds. They have never shown agression
>anyone but they're german shepard companions in play.
>      The fencing is mostly to control them from wandering off when we are
>working out in the yard with them and can't keep constant watch. I wouldn't
>want them to go off and it get dark and they run into some coyotes.
>        So, thank you to everyone again for your feedback. I feel I am
>the right decision in my situation. The main purpose of the fence is just
>keep my dogs from harm, and I think that that is what it will do. If not,
>just have to take a different route around the problem. Thanks again for
>help, this list is truly a wonderful device!
>-Emily Hainsworth (with Belle, Zuni, and those rough and tough German
>Castle Rock, CO