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Re: [PyrNet-L] Question???

On 2 Jun 98, at 16:52, Mitzi Potter wrote:
> A bit of a pet peeve of mine is people who say their dog "turned"
> mean one day. All of a sudden. There's so darn many warning signs
> ahead of time before any dog attacks (unless for medical reasons or
> something) that I'm 99% certain that someone with dog experience
> would spot the signs years before. 

I'm in agreement on this.  Dogs just don't turn mean (unless there is a medical 
reason and these are usually few and far between).  They give signs that they're 
gonna do what they're gonna do.  Once you start questioning the signs start 
coming out of the story.  And there is much controversy about Rage Syndrome 
as to what it is or if it even exists..........  

Janice, janices@texas.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX
Visit Old West Newfoundland Club's website at  